Tok Talanoa

Tok Talanoa invited artists and community to engage in thought-provoking conversations from local artists, celebrate brilliance, and deepen their understanding of Melanesia. It was the first Melanesian arts symposium in Aotearoa funded by Creative NZ.

This event sat alongside three exhibitions at Pātaka – The Ulumate Project, Red Wave Blue Wave and Sanap Wantaim

Guest speakers: Elsie Andrewes, Peter Wing Seeto, Natasha Ratuva, Joana Monolagi, Kira Hundleby, Losalini Tuwere, Josua Tuwere, Atueta Rabuka, Daren Kamali, Renata Baleikasavu, Tina McNicholas, Emele Ugavule, Sakaraia Nasau, Ulamila Bulamaibau, Larry Thomas, Bose Dakai.

Graphic Designer: Elsie Andrewes

Photographer and videographer: Saint Andrew Matautia

Produced by Studio Kiin in partnership with Pataka Art + Museum with the support of Creative New Zealand’s Pacific Arts Strategy.

Read our wrap up document here

It was amazing. Really well organised with a range of activities. With there being a much smaller Melanesian community, even more so Papua New Guinean community, it was really nice to be able to share in this experience with other members of the community here in Wellington.
— Community feedback



Absolutely enlightening. Connecting to artist from the pacific and giving a stage to showcase our unique cultures was
Everything!! We want more!!!!
— Community feedback